Project: Mangala Well Hook-up & well pad augmentation
Nature of work : Detailed engineering activities.
Involves well hook-up of 25 producers and 22 injectors, surface facility augmentation for Mangala Well pads in Barmer, Rajasthan, India.
Scope includes modification at 13 well pads to add new Producer and Injector wells.
In addition to well hook-up surface facilities augmentation including supply of new Injection water filters, IA compressors, modular E-house and Control system expansion.
Scope also covers the development of new well pads to facilitate future drilling.
Engineering scope also includes review of vendor engineering deliverables.
Project: Bhagyam Field ASP Pilot Plant Implementation
Nature of work : Detailed engineering activities
Involves integration of Alkali Surfactant Polymer (ASP) Pilot plant facilities for Bhagyam field, Barmer, Rajasthan, India.
Scope includes Water softening plant, ASP preparation plant, Oil water separation, Produced water treatment, flare, diesel storage cum distribution, drain systems,
power generation, power distribution, new control system and ICS expansion.
Scope also covers the development of new well pads to facilitate future drilling.
Engineering scope also includes review of vendor engineering deliverables.
Project: Aishwarya Field ASP Pilot Plant Implementation
Nature of work : Detailed engineering activities
Involves integration of Alkali Surfactant Polymer (ASP) Pilot plant facilities for Bhagyam field, Barmer, Rajasthan, India.
Scope includes Water softening plant, ASP preparation plant, Oil water separation, Produced water treatment, flare, diesel storage cum distribution, drain systems,
power generation, power distribution, new control system and ICS expansion.
Scope also covers the development of new well pads to facilitate future drilling.
Engineering scope also includes review of vendor engineering deliverables.